August 2021 Covid-19 Coronavirus Update: A Note from Rev. Frank C. Ruffatto


Dearest saints,

As I’m sure you’ve seen, recent weeks have brought a resurgence of the COVID outbreak, particularly with the Delta variant. We have enjoyed a season of reconnection with you as we strove to return to normal gathering. Unfortunately, the latest resurgence has led the elders and trustees to discuss and make the decision to modify our activities a bit to maximize the safety of our members and guests.

The team has decided on the following actions concerning the operations of Redeemer Lutheran Church:

  1. Divine Service will continue in person at Redeemer at 10:45 a.m. (EST) on Sundays and via livestream. To view the livestream, you may navigate to YouTube.

  2. Masking remains optional,

  3. Social distancing of at least 6 feet will be observed. Some rows of chairs in the sanctuary will again be removed. Hand sanitizer will again be widely available.

  4. Communion will continue in person with the observance of social distancing at the altar and as you wait to be served. Communion can be scheduled for shut ins or other special circumstances.

  5. All singing in Divine Service is again suspended for now.

  6. Hospitality will continue for now. Please observe social distancing as you are able.

  7. Sunday school will continue to meet after the observance of the Labor Day holiday on 9/5/21. Please observe social distancing.

  8. Share groups will meet at their discretion. We urge you to continue to meet online if you decide to suspend in-person meetings.

What you can do beyond following the above guidelines:

  1. Pray. Let us each as individuals and as families use the discipline of prayer to call on God who is our refuge to preserve and protect us and enable us find the best way to love our neighbors (even if that means distancing ourselves) as this momentary malady is in our midst.

  2. Connect. Continue to communicate with each other, and check on one another. Share groups will want to stay in touch and consider checking in on other members who are not currently a part of a share group. You may also stay connected with the church, by checking in with us on Facebook.

  3. Persevere. Consider suggesting and volunteering for activities which might be needed to clean/disinfect the church.

Please know the entire leadership of Redeemer continues to pray for the restoration of health to our community. We encourage you to take comfort in knowing your Heavenly Father is loving and good and that Jesus has removed forever the sting of death.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me at

In Christ,
Pastor Frank

Rev. Frank C. Ruffatto