Feed My Sheep deliveries begin for Fall school term
Joy and Randall Evans outside Alum Creek Elementary School
Alum Creek Elementary School receives this term’s first Feed My Sheep delivery of more than 30 weekend food packets
Thanks to Redeemer members Joy and Randall Evans for making the first Feed My Sheep delivery of the 2021-22 school year to 32 Alum Creek Elementary students. Redeemer’s Feed My Sheep feeding program helps supply supplemental weekend food for Charleston, West Virginia area children living in food-insecure households. Deliveries are made by Redeemer members almost every Friday morning.
If you are a member or regular attender of Redeemer and would like to help deliver food packets to the Alum Creek students, please look for the sign up sheet in the connection area adjacent to the Welcome area in the narthex. There are still a few spots available for the Fall semester.
If you sign up to serve the Feed My Sheep Program through delivery and are new to the ministry, never fear! Someone from the community care team will gladly to show you how easy it is to make the delivery. Food packets are always already packed and ready for delivery.
Learn more about the Feed My Sheep Ministry at Redeemer>>