Redeemer purchases new equipment to maintain reliable livestreaming
Behind the scenes of Redeemer’s livestream.
Redeemer has been streaming Sunday worship services on our internet YouTube channel since June 2016. For a few months in 2020 when pandemic restrictions prevented public gatherings, Redeemer’s worship services continued on-line. We rejoice that we resumed in-person worship, but we know there is still a need for the on-line broadcast because of individual circumstances. Simultaneous views during the live service have averaged 15 the last two months and views from the archive have averaged an additional 30 per service.
The new streaming encoder
If we peek behind the curtain to see what allows streaming, we see microphones, sound mixer, video cameras, video mixer, streaming encoder, and computers. The encoder is a device the size of a double deck of cards that converts video and audio signal formats and broadcasts to the internet. For the past several months Redeemer’s encoder has required multiple restarts before connecting to the video signals. To avoid a complete failure that would prevent streaming, we have purchased and installed a new encoder. Fortunately, in the past five years the price of encoders has dropped and the capabilities have increased. Our new $495 encoder is in use and will allow reliable streaming of Redeemer’s worship services for the future.
All Redeemer worship services are streamed on our YouTube channel and can be viewed either live or from the archive. Search YouTube for “Redeemer Lutheran WV” or follow this link.
The Technical Arts activity group is a part of our Sunday Servants Team.