Seven Questions with a Servant: Daniel Mead

1. What's your name?
Daniel Mead
2. Will you please share a little about yourself (where you’re from, where you work, about your spouse, children, grandchildren, pets, etc)?
I am from South Charleston. Except for a 5 year stint in Houston Texas (1-5th grade), I have Lived in WV my whole life. I have been Married to Emily for 29 years. I work for the State of WV as a database administrator.
3. How long have you been attending/serving at Redeemer?
Since June 2015
4. In what ways do you or have you serve(d) at Redeemer and which is/was your favorite way?
Bell Choir
Education committee member
Bible Study teacher (my favorite)
Small group leader
Redeemer players
5. How has serving at Redeemer impacted you?
I have grown in faith and waistline
6. What’s something about you not many folks know?
I had a disabling fever when I was 8 months old. My speech was not understandable. After five years of speech therapy and many prayers, God healed my ability to speak.
7. What do you like most about Redeemer?
Emily says: All of Jesus and none of the guilt, except when eating all of the good food.
Daniel says: the faithful preaching of the Gospel and the great fellowship.
We both think it is great to be where people honor What God’s word says, not what they want it to say, or think it should say.