Seven Questions with a Servant: Patricia Sherman-Lilly

1. What's your name?
Patricia Sherman-Lilly
2. Will you please share a little about yourself?
I have lived in West Virginia my entire life, specifically Williamson, Morgantown, and Charleston. I love learning and sharing knowledge; thus, I was in school for a long time. I have undergraduate degrees in English and Psychology, master’s degrees in Counseling and Education Administration, and a doctorate degree in Reading and Education Administration. For seven years, I was a professor at West Virginia University. Then, I moved to Charleston where I met the love of my life, J.K. I come from a large Italian/Hungarian family. I have four sisters, and my mother had 12 siblings. As a result of this, I grew up with a profusion of cousins and doting aunts and uncles.
3. How long have you been attending/serving at Redeemer?
J.K. and I have attended Redeemer since July 2015.
4. In what ways do you or have you serve(d) at Redeemer and which is/was your favorite way?
God has blessed me with the spiritual gifts of exhortation and administration. I am happy to serve on and coordinate the Hospitality Team and Martha Ministry. Also, I host a Tuesday luncheon and Bible study for a group of Redeemer ladies at The Lilly Pad (as J.K. and I fondly call our home).
5. How has serving at Redeemer impacted you?
Serving with others on Hospitality, Martha Ministry, and congregational dinners has helped me form a closer bond with my Redeemer family. What a blessing for me to serve Jesus with my brothers and sisters in Christ as we have fun and encourage one another in our faith walks!
6. What’s something about you not many folks know?
Several things! First, I am a certified etiquette consultant trained by The Etiquette Institute in St. Louis, Missouri. Years ago, as an etiquette consultant, I held week-long summer etiquette camps in Charleston called “The Art of Etiquette” for children ages 6 through 18. Second, I am writing a 365-day daily devotional book with Bible art graphics, commentary, and prayers. It’s a long process. If God wants me to publish, it will happen. In the meantime, God has me where He wants me – studying His Word every day for hours.
7. What do you like most about Redeemer?
I love that the church is all about Jesus and that it is scripturally sound. Also, I appreciate the close fellowship of the faithful. It is always a loving, engaging, homey feeling when I enter the doors of Redeemer.