Seven Questions with a Servant: Rod Hackman

1. What's your name?
Rod Hackman
2. Will you please share a little about yourself?
I was born and grew up in southern Indiana in Seymour; a Rural, Farming German Lutheran community. My wife Elaine is from Chicago area and we met thru match making by my sister Jill. Elaine and I have two children Danielle and Noah and I have two boys Andy and Mike from a previous marriage. All are married or close to marriage accept our youngest, Noah. We have 5 grandchildren ranging from 17 to 1 year old. I retired from DuPont in 2011 after 37 years; but I continue to consult at times overseas.
3. How long have you been attending/serving at Redeemer?
We started attending Redeemer in 2015
4. In what ways do you or have you serve(d) at Redeemer and which is/was your favorite way?
I am a member of the Goal Tenders team and I assist Elaine with youth activities
5. How has serving at Redeemer impacted you?
The opportunity to listen and learn what our Christian faith has to offer and what causes people to want to get involved in sharing their faith.
6. What’s something about you not many folks know?
I have an identical twin brother and we have had 6 exchange students and several other young people live with our family from Germany, Peru, China, Japan and Sudan.
7. What do you like most about Redeemer?
That Redeemer is a Lutheran church that can offer Hope to our children and the next generations and that the whole congregation must be involved in deciding and sharing who we are. We are the church and we don't delegate this responsibility to staff that we hire to make everything happen.