Seven Questions with a Servant: Sarah Shaver
1. What's your name?
Sarah Shaver
2. Will you please share a little about yourself (where you’re from, where you work, about your spouse, children, grandchildren, pets, etc)?
I grew up in beautiful Beckley, WV, went to college at WV Wesleyan, and have worked in radio and other media for over 36 years, now with the K-Love and Air 1 Christian radio networks. I have one sister, Carla, who lives in North Carolina and is retired. Geologist Rick and I married in 1985 and had to move all the way to Florida in 1990 to have two amazing kids, Karl and Katie. We didn't want our kids to grow up so far away from family so we moved back in 1996. Rick's mother, Carmella, and her late husband Karl were St. Timothy members and our kids were baptized there. We currently have two cats, petite Stella, and orange feline behemoth Lyle. Our best friends, Susan and Catherine Pierce, are part of our family, too!
3. How long have you been attending/serving at Redeemer?
1999? 2000? Somewhere in there. We were still in the 'old building' on Staunton, near our house.
4. In what ways do you or have you serve(d) at Redeemer and which is/was your favorite way?
Sarah with Marty Mallo at the Mallo Cup and Clark Bar factory (Boyer Candy Company) in Alatoona, Pennsylvania.
I've been in choir on and off, worked during VBS a few times, worked some events-ish stuff, cooked a lot of pancakes, and am very honored and blessed to be part of the Altar Guild now. I love to sing and hope to get back to that more in the fall and I truly love Altar Guild - it's humbling.
5. How has serving at Redeemer impacted you?
Learning more about Communion and really praying about being part of it, how it works in us. I guess I'm getting more "serious" about liturgy, maybe, and doctrine. Dave Simmons' Lutheran 101 class was a first step in this.
6. What’s something about you not many folks know?
I don't know, I'm pretty "mouthy." Maybe that Rick and I have matching tattoos? Or that I like pretty much every kind of Christian music from ancient chant to Southern Gospel to Jesus Music from the 1970's to head-bangin' rock.
7. What do you like most about Redeemer?
The families and members we've grown to know and love over the years - part of the "solid rock," so to speak, plus the others that have joined us over the years have been such a blessing. We've had some wonderful preachers over the years (that's my southern WV coming out, there) and it's been a blessing to sit under their teaching and of Sunday school teachers. Our kids had wonderful, wonderful Sunday school teachers.
Doctrine is emphasized and so is grace. The unbeatable combination! If you get out of Redeemer and don't understand the Gospel you're not listening - that can't be said of some churches.