Seven Questions with a Servant: Sheri Moore

1. What's your name?
Sheri Moore
2. Will you please share a little about yourself (where you’re from, where you work, about your spouse, children, grandchildren, pets, etc)?
I currently live in Cross Lanes, WV and am retired from the Kanawha County Assessor’s Office. I am divorced and have 2 children, Tim and Mikki. I have 5 grandchildren and one great grandchild on the way. I do not have any pets. I enjoy watching birds and the outdoors.
3. How long have you been attending/serving at Redeemer?
I have been at the Redeemer Church for about 3-4 years. It seems like I haven’t been there that long.
4. In what ways do you or have you serve(d) at Redeemer and which is/was your favorite way?
I have been serving on the Hospitality team and am a Reader on some Sunday Mornings. I am now on the Board of Trustees (Facility Care Team). I enjoy working our events.
5. How has serving at Redeemer impacted you?
Being on a servants team has brought me closer to the congregation. When I leave the church after I have served I feel like I have accomplished something for the Lord and hoped what I did brought joy to someone.
6. What’s something about you not many folks know?
I have a knowledge of the outdoors because I’d years of backpacking The Allegheny Trail. I can no longer do that because of knee surgeries. I am a dancer. I am an instructor of the Carolina Shag Dance. I belong to and am founder of the Charleston Area Shag Society of 22 years.
7. What do you like most about Redeemer?
I love coming to the Redeemer Church because it is such a laid back little church and enjoy seeing people work together for the good of the community.