This fourth sermon focuses upon the apostle Paul and his vision of a new creation in Christ. That vision is infinite, encompassing the restoration of all things, and yet also intimate, centered in the death and resurrection of Christ.
Read MoreThis sermon focuses upon the strange figure of the prophet Zephaniah. His vision at the end of his book introduces us to a peculiar kind of joy: Advent joy. This is not joy without sorrow but joy in the presence of one who comes to us in the midst of our sorrow. This voice and this vision invite us to experience the paradox of Advent joy as we prepare for our Lord’s coming.
Read MoreThe strange figure of John the Baptizer, the voice from the edge, and his vision of Jesus, so different from the Jesus typically portrayed, calling us to repent in preparation for our Lord’s coming.
This first Advent sermon focuses upon a text from Revelation, John’s vision of the heavenly Jerusalem, descending like a bride.