Back-to-School Backpack Drive

The Back-to-School Backpack Drive is a program in which the Redeemer Community Care Team provides school backpacks filled with school supplies to children in need at local elementary schools, including Alum Creek Elementary
2022 Deadline is August 14!
Ways to Help
Please prayerfully consider helping in one or more of the following ways:
PRAY for the students, teachers, and all working in the school system.
Donate Backpacks and School Supplies
Donate supplies from a list provided by educators from partner schools. Click here for a supply list for 2022.Donate Money
Monetary donations are used to purchase supplies and additional backpacks beyond donated supplies. Click here.Volunteer
Individuals are needed to purchase supplies, sort supplies and pack backpacks. Click here to volunteer.
Ministry Focus Areas:

In 2019, more than 50 backpacks were filled and distributed to area students.