Feed My Sheep Program

Feed My Sheep is a feeding program in which the Redeemer Community Care Team joins with Alum Creek Elementary School to supply supplemental weekend food for Charleston, West Virginia area children living in food-insecure households.
Currently, the program assists approximately 30 children.
Additionally, through the Feed My Sheep Summer program Redeemer assists the same families over the summer school break with monthly food baskets.
Ways to Help
Donate supplies:
Donations provided from a list help fill the weekly food packs during the school year. During summer months, a different list is used to fill monthly baskets which help with food needs when children are on their summer break.
Donate money:
All monetary donations are appreciated and are well used to purchase fresh fruits and healthy snacks for the weekly packets. Designate “Feed My Sheep” in the memo of your check or on the electronic form. A donation of $150 will cover the food needs for one child for a school year.
Groups and individuals may prepare one week’s supply, or pack the entire month at once. This is a great way for (your share group, civic group, etc) to spend approximately one hour to pack an entire month. To get involved with preparing weekend food packs, Contact the church.
There are also opportunities to deliver packages to the school. A sign up sheet is located in the Connection Area at the church.
Ministry Focus Areas: